Bags for spring

Spring is coming...slowly but surely. The signs are everywhere. Tulips and crocuses are peeking out of flowerbeds. People are outside more and smiling more - walking their dogs, washing their cars, cleaning their yards. Yard sale season is starting. Stores of full of garden tools, lawn chairs, and pastel T-shirts.

This is the time of year that my mom pulls out all her gardening books and begins to plan, in earnest, the flower and vegetable gardens. It's still too early to plant. But never too early to plan.

While she waits to dig into the gardens, she sews. Lately, a flurry of floral totes have been flying off the machine. Each one is different, but all very springlike, don't you think?

Did you notice the new addition to the bags? We finally have custom labels to sew into them. Here's a closer look:

After much experimentation and hunting for the right materials and instructions, I finally found a great tutorial at sewtakeahike. So cool.