Fun with felting

Here's a photo of my first knitted and felted bag. Previously I have made a number of bags from felted wool sweaters and blankets (sadly I didn't take any pictures of those ones). My thinking was always, why bother knitting and then felting when you can just buy wool sweaters and skip right to the fun part (i.e. shrinking wool on purpose)?

However...this yarn was calling to me. This sweet little bag is made of 3 skeins of Noro Kureyon (I forget the colour # and I don't have the ball band anymore - whoops). It took about 3 trips through the washing machine with hot water to get it nicely felted. Feeling ambitious, I decided at the last minute that I wanted a lining, so I made one and added loops for the wooden handles. Incidentally, I think you can buy cute handles online and sometimes in craft shops, but I have a drawer full of handles I have cut off bags I find at thrift stores. I like repurposing them on new (cuter) bags. Also, they cost about $3 instead of $10 for new ones.

1 comment:

~B. said...

Soooo adorable. What a great idea about the old thrift store handles...will have to pass that onto some friends.