Bounty of bags

My mom recently went on a sewing spree and made a whole bunch of bags for people - my grandma, aunts, cousins, and sister-in-law were all recipients of new bags. I hope everybody likes their bags. I doubt we will see much of my mom's sewing for a while, because, hello, it's gardening season, people. She is up to her eyebrows in mulch and bedding plants and seeds. She disappears into the garden sometime around dawn, and doesn't come back in the house until it's dark, and only then because the mosquitoes chase her in. She has the greenest thumb I have ever seen, with the possible exception of my grandfather (her dad). Her yard is quite large, with many flowerbeds and a very large vegetable garden and even a little potting shed.

Anyway, back to the bags. Want to see them??

More bags to come...including one for me, yay!

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